Figure . Anatomical localizations of key nuclei thought to play a role in level of consciousness.

Anatomical localizations of key nuclei thought to play a role in level of consciousness. 

See text for references. ACh = acetylcholine; CL = central lateral; CM-Pf = centromedian-parafascicular thalamus; FC = functional connectivity; GPe = globus pallidus externa; GPi = globus pallidus interna; LC = locus coeruleus; LO = lateral orbitofrontal cortex; MCS minimally conscious state; mPFC = medial prefrontal cortex; MR = midbrain raphe; NA = nucleus accumbens; NBM = nucleus basalis of Meynert; NE = norepinephrine; NTS = nucleus tractus solitarius; PAG = periaqueductal gray matter; PFC = prefrontal cortex; PH = posterior hypothalamus; PnO = pontine nucleus oralis; PPT = pedunculopontine tegmental area; PRF = pontine reticular formation; PTZ = pentylenetetrazol; RAS = reticular activating system; SC = superior colliculus; SNR = substantia nigra reticularis; STN = subthalamic nucleus; SWS = slowwave sleep; TBI = traumatic brain injury; TMN = tubulomammillary nucleus; VS = vegetative state; VTA = ventral tegmental area

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