Is this Flamingo Being Murdered by their Partner

This video of feeding flamingos left many viewers terrified, but has a perfectly simple explanation

So, we know what you're thinking... and no, one Flamingo is not bludgeoning the head of another while its offspring feeds on the blood. These flamingos are trying to feed the same chick with red crop milk. Parent flamingos produce crop milk in their digestive tracts and regurgitate it to feed their young.

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Science Channel Video footage postage by the Science Channel left many viewers shocked initially, as it appeared to show a flamingo digging its beak into another’s, who in turn has its beak pointed at a baby flamingo’s mouth, where something like blood appears to be dripping. However, what is seen in the here is far from a fight – it is actually two flamingo parents feeding their baby. Parent flamingos produce crop milk, red in colour, in their digestive tracts and regurgitate it to feed their young. Crop milk is a secretion from the lining of the crop, a thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract used for the storage of food prior to digestion in many birds and invertebrates. It is found among all pigeons and doves (where it is referred to as pigeon milk). An analog to crop milk is what is secreted from the oesophagus of flamingos (seen above) and the male emperor penguin.

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