So today I found these three fellows on one of the back roads near one of my wells. Most likely dropped off. Poor things were frozen into the ice so they had to have been there all night. Took them home fed and watered them they look to be healthy and friendly. If any friends are looking to have a new addition in their family, let us know as they will need homes. All three look to be males, and we also gave them dewormer.
All three little rascals went to their new home today where they get to be together instead of separating them. All three are eating and drinking and very energetic. Thanks for everyone’s consideration and offering to take them very appreciated.
All three little rascals went to their new home today where they get to be together instead of separating them. All three are eating and drinking and very energetic. Thanks for everyone’s consideration and offering to take them very appreciated.
credits: Kendall Diwisch



For those that saw the story about the three kittens frozen to the snow, we are happy to say that they are happily in their new home. We got a visit from them the other day.
Thank you to Kendall for rescuing them and to the Trider family for taking them in. We are so happy that their story will have an amazing end.
*** EDIT: We were not the original rescuers, nor the ones to find them a home. We simply got a visit and wanted to update the public on the story.
credits : Cause for Critters