Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board Review (PRETEST HARRISONS PRIN INTERNAL MED)

By Charles Wiener, Anthony Fauci, Eugene Braunwald, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, Dan Longo, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo


Fauci is a very poor scientist. He lets his own political beliefs bias his medical opinions. As he has been in high positions in NIH this serves to greatly retard medical science and cause much suffering to disabled Americans. An example is his steadfast support of Stephen Straus in his disinformation campaign on ME (aka CFS). Fauci still includes the deceased Straus' inaccurate article as the section on ME in this edition.
Internist Paul Cheney, MD, PhD, the world's foremost clinican and top researcher on ME said of Straus' findings in his most (self-)publicized study, "it's an absolute lie." Internist Dan Peterson, also one of the world's foremost clinicians and researchers on ME said "Stephen Straus is a snake." Straus was still doing grand rounds in the mid- late 90's saying possible retroviral association with ME made no sense because retroviruses cause neurological, cognitive, immunological and endocrine pathology, which aren't prominent features of ME. These are in fact the central, disabling features of the disease. And of course quite a few bench scientists have found retroviral involvement since 1986, most recently Dan Peterson finding 95-98% of studied ME patients with antibodies to XMRV.

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