Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology

The Essentials 3rd Edition, Kindle Edition 

By Neil R. Miller (Author), Prem Subramanian (Author), Vivek Patel (Author), Neil R. Miller MD FACS (Editor), Dr. Prem Subramanian MD PhD (Editor), Dr. Vivek Patel MD (Editor)


Concentrate on the most significant clinical information in neuro-ophthalmology! Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Essentials distils the most imperative substance from the regarded three-volume parent content, Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, broadly recognized as the authoritative reference in the field, to bring you simply the viable, hands-on data you have to adequately assess and deal with most of neuro-ophthalmic conditions. A succinct, natural association speeds your entrance to the present best expertise, so you can effectively give ideal care to your patients. 


Utilize the most current imaging methods, including OCT, high-goals CT/MRI, and multifocal ERG. 

Deal with the full array of neuro-ophthalmological disarranges with the guide of five segments that completely spread the afferent visual framework, the understudy, the efferent (oculomotor) framework, the eyelid, and non-natural issue. 

Gather data initially through an exceptionally visual introduction that incorporates clear charts, tables, and pictures, numerous presently in shading. 

Assess complex eye development issue by survey accommodating recordings on the web.


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