This bookazine assembles probably the most astonishing animals on earth and gets directly under their skins (or exoskeletons!) so we can show you precisely how they work. Flying creatures, ocean life, reptiles and creatures of land and water, bugs and creepy crawlies, the warm blooded animals - all are investigated and their common abilities clarified. Wonderfully represented graphs detail everything from the strategies of a lion assault to the life structures of a crocodile, while high effect photography puts you up close and personal with these living marvels. Stuffed brimming with certainties and handling probably the best creature riddles, this manual for life on Earth will show you exactly how astounding our cousins in the set of all animals are.
Mythical beast documents and Killer Whales and Snakes and Sharkes and Big felines and Spider and bugs and Repitiles and Mammals and that's just the beginning... This bookazine assembles probably the most astounding animals on earth and gets directly under their skins (or exoskeletons!) so we can show you precisely how they work. Feathered creatures, ocean life, reptiles and creatures of land and water, creepy crawlies and bugs, the warm blooded animals Ð all are investigated and their regular abilities.