Composed by the world's premier specialists, Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery with its going with recordings is a novel asset that offers the peruser a compact yet far reaching manual for performing craniofacial tasks. In every part, eminent authorities share their procedures for choosing patients, executing viable preoperative arranging, understanding point by point employable strategies, establishing postoperative consideration best works on, managing potential difficulties, and considerably more.
Key Features
The wide exhibit of secured themes incorporates the cranial vault, remaking of the facial bones, orbital crack fix, rhinoplasty, maxillary and mandibular activities, ear recreation, and congenital fissure and sense of taste fix
More than 1400 intraoperative photographs and 300 drawings manage the peruser through every employable strategy in a bit by bit style
Accentuation on how the techniques are performed, instead of on hypothesis
Incorporates contextual analyses that show the consequences of the talked about systems
Joined by 20 careful system recordings
Displayed in collaboration with the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) and the American Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ASCFS), this lovely chart book is fundamental for each one of those engaged with craniofacial medical procedure, including craniofacial specialists, craniofacial medical procedure colleagues, maxillofacial inhabitants, and others.