With their trademark mix of enrapturing narrating and unpredictable examination, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner take us inside their point of view and train every one of us how to think more profitably, more inventively, more sanely. In Think Like A Freak, they offer an outline for a totally better approach to take care of issues, regardless of whether your advantage lies in minor lifehacks or major worldwide changes. The points run from business to altruism to sports to legislative issues, all with the objective of retraining your mind. En route, you'll get familiar with the mysteries of a Japanese wiener eating champion, the reason an Australian specialist gulped a clump of perilous microbes, and why Nigerian email tricksters try saying they're from Nigeria.
Levitt and Dubner doubtlessly observe the world like nobody else. Presently you can as well. At no other time have such maverick scholars been so uncovering—thus much enjoyable to peruse.