This is an amazingly shown overview of Leonardo (1452-1519) as craftsman, researcher, and innovator. This fascinating investigation of the man who painted the "Mona Lisa", was an understudy of life structures, and creator of machines of war, can't neglect to mix the premium and creative mind as it recognizes the paradigm of the "Renaissance man" whose boundless interest was equalled by his astounding ability.As a painter, Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" possess special situations in the realm of craftsmanship, his "Vitruvian Man" is a worldwide symbol. As researcher and designer, his thoughts were inconceivably comparatively radical. He conceptualized a helicopter, a tank, he explored different avenues regarding sun oriented power, a number cruncher, designed the twofold body and plot a hypothesis of plate tectonics...the rundown is nearly endless.This splendid new volume will engage all Leonardo enthusiasts, new or old. In 1964, by Decree of the President of Italy, Giunti Editore was endowed with the assignment of the altering and the copy propagation of all the Codices and Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. Giunti Editore has since turned into a pre-prominent distributer of Leonardo's works with a list of world popular writers, editors, and outlined books - a basic determination of which are presently being made accessible in English.