Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors

By Harold Ellis (Author), Vishy Mahadevan (Author)


Presently in its fourteenth version, Clinical Anatomy is the authoritative content offering restorative understudies, postgraduate learners and junior specialists the anatomical data they have to prevail in a clinical setting. Teacher Harold Ellis and Professor Vishy Mahadevan give an open, complete, and point by point investigation of life structures, explicitly intended for understudies and students at all levels. Changed and refreshed, the fourteenth version contains more data about the sensory system just as restorative pictures, graphs and photos that are overlaid with anatomical outlines, uncovering point by point surface life structures. This release: Puts more noteworthy accentuation on clinical pertinence and contains progressively content for non-careful learners Offers an assortment of illustrative clinical situation contextual investigations Contains a lot increasingly medicinal pictures and charts, for example, CT and MRI Presents extended data on the sensory system Includes a friend site that contains advanced cheat sheets of the considerable number of outlines and photos displayed in the book Written for therapeutic understudies, junior specialists, and those reading for The Royal College of Surgeons assessments, the new version of Clinical Anatomy keeps on being a basic asset for understanding the nuts and bolts of clinical life systems.

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