Human Anatomy & Physiology speaks to the way today’s diverse students learn and study. In the 2nd Edition, author Erin Amerman strengthens her distinctive learner-centered approach by focusing on three unique pillars. First, Amerman uses art to present one-concept-at-a-time before bringing the distinct parts together in one summarizing Big Picture figure. Second, Amerman coaches students right when they need it, beginning on page one where the opening module titled How To Succeed in Your Anatomy & Physiology Course appears. And finally, she provides students with ample opportunities to practice and develop critical-thinking skills through questions about case studies and real-world scenarios.
Mastering A&P includes Concept Boost Video Tutors and new Big Picture Animations, which feature Amerman guiding students through the most complex A&P concepts. The text and Mastering A&P work together to engage today’s students.
Also available with Mastering A&P.
Mastering ™ A&P is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment platform designed to engage students and improve results by helping students stay on track in the course and quickly master challenging A&P concepts. Mastering A&P assignments support interactive features in the text and include expanded Big Picture Animations, new Interactive Physiology 2.0 tutorials, new, mobile-friendly Practice Anatomy Lab (PAL) 3.1 and customizable PAL 3.1 Flashcards, Dynamic Study Modules, A&P Flix 3D animations, Lab study tools, Get Ready for A&P Diagnostic Test and Tutorials, Learning Catalytics ™ , plus a variety of Art Labeling Questions, Clinical Application Questions, and more. Learn more about Mastering A&P.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering A&P does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering A&P, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.