What Is a Proton ? : Word Origin , Examples of Protons ...

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The atom consists of small particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Here we will present the definition of the proton, its electrical charge, and exactly where it exists inside the atom, as well as some other facts about the protons. The proton is an atomic particle with a mass of 1, a positive charge of +1, and the proton is referred to as P or P +. The nucleus of each atom contains protons, and the atomic number of each element expresses the number of protons within its nucleus.

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Neutrons and protons are called nuclei because they are inside nuclei of atoms. Although positive charges cause the protons to scramble inside the nucleus, nuclear forces overcome electrostatic repulsion as neutrons and protons approach each other, allowing them to bond together.
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A proton is a subatomic particle with a positive charge. It is found in the atomic nucleus. (AG Caesar)

Proteons - like neutrons - are hydrons. The proton is made up of particles without smaller offspring called quarks. Each proton consists of three quarks, 2 quarks and one quark.

What is a proton Properties of a proton mm Consists of protons Charge of protons Components of nucleons Electrons in the atom Charge of neutrons Sub-atomic particles

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Word Origin 
The term "proton" refers to Greek in the sense of "first". Physicist Ernest Rutherford used the term for the first time in 1920 to describe the nucleus of hydrogen. Although the proton was not named until the twentieth century, its theoretical existence was assumed by physicist William Brout in 1815.

Models of protons

There are free protons. The nucleus of the hydrogen atom "H + ion" is an example. Each hydrogen atom contains one proton. And each helium atom on protonin. And each lithium atom on three protons and so on, regardless of the isotopes of those atoms.

Properties of proton

- Proteons and electrons are attracted by their various electrical charges, while positively charged protons are repulsed. The amount of friction between protons and electrons is equal to the amount of friction between two electrons. - Protons are stable particles, meaning they do not decompose into other particles. However, some theories predict proton decomposition during the period from 1031 to 1036 years. What is a proton Properties of a proton mm Consists of protons Charge of protons Components of nucleons Electrons in the atom Charge of neutrons Sub-atomic particles - Free protons are common. Usually consists of enough energy to separate protons from electrons. There are free protons in the plasma. About 90% of the cosmic rays are made up of protons. - Radioactive decomposition of free-unstable electrons-may result in electrons, electrons or neutrinos.


  • Antognini; et al. (Jan 2013). “Proton Structure from the Measurement of 2S-2P Transition Frequencies of Muonic Hydrogen” (PDF). Science. 339 (6118): 417–20. doi:10.1126/science.1230016
  • Basdevant, J.-L.; Rich, J.; M. Spiro (2005). Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics. Springer. p. 155. ISBN 978-0-387-01672-6.

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