Urinary urine may be troublesome, especially if the person does not know the reason behind it. In some cases, turbid urine may be a sign of urinary tract problems, such as dryness, infection, urinary tract infection, or kidney problems. Every reason behind troubled urine has additional symptoms, which helps the doctor diagnose it. In this article we will learn about the possible causes of the phenomenon of turbid urine, and learn how to treat it.

the reasons:
Causes of turbid urine may include:
1. Dehydration:
Urinary urine, especially if it is dark, may be an indication that a person is not consuming enough fluids.
Adults and very young people have greater chances of getting drowsy. Also, anyone suffering from a disease that causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever or fever; needs to drink more fluids.
People who exercise hard or physically on a hot day may also have greater chances of getting dry if they do not drink enough water.
Dehydration may cause turbid urine in some people, and cause other symptoms include:
● Paul is dark yellow or orange.
● Sense of fatigue.
● confusion or difficulty concentrating.
● Dry mouth and feeling thirsty.
● Dry eyes.
● urinate less frequently.
Excessive dehydration may cause more severe symptoms, such as numbness, feeling of loss, confusion, fainting, or bloody or black stools. Medical attention should be sought when severe dehydration occurs.
2. Urinary Tract Infection, also known as UTI - Urinary Tract Infection, also known as UTI (UTI) is a common cause of dyspepsia. If the urine is particularly smelly, the person may have an infection in the urinary tract.
Urinary tract infection may affect anyone, but it is more common in women than in men, according to a study by the United States Office on Women's Health.
In addition to turbid urine, urinary tract infection may cause other symptoms, such as:
● Constant need for urination.
• Difficulty urinating in large quantities or when emptying the bladder.
● Stinky urine.
● Pain in the pelvis, lower abdomen, or lower back.
Anyone suffering from these symptoms should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of early urinary tract infection may help relieve pain and prevent complications.

3. Kidney infection:
The majority of infections that occur in the kidneys start as urinary tract infection, which in turn spreads due to lack of proper treatment and becomes worse with time.
Kidney infection causes symptoms similar to urinary tract infection and may cause additional symptoms such as:
● fever.
● Chills.
● cramps.
● Overwork.
● Nausea and vomiting.
● Pain in the back, sides or lobe.
● Paul is dark, bloody and smelly.
Kidney infection requires immediate medical treatment. Without prompt treatment, this type of infection may lead to permanent kidney damage.
Sexually Transmitted Infection, also known as STI According to the United States Office on Women's Health, about 20 million people in the United States are infected with sexually transmitted infections every year.
The most common sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea and chlamydia - may cause anorexia. Gonorrhea and chlamydia accelerate the immune system to defend the body and produce white blood cells, which may cause blending these white blood cells with urine, giving it a turbid appearance.
These sexually transmitted infections may also cause abnormal secretions of the vagina or penis. Other signs of sexually transmitted infection include:
● Sensation of genital or pelvic itching.
● Unknown pain in the genitals.
● Sense of pain during or after sex.
● Pain or sensation of burning during urination or ejaculation.
● Rash, pimples and ulcers on the genitals.
Medical tests for screening sexually transmitted infections may help the person receive an early diagnosis of the disease and receive treatment.
Using sex prevention methods may also help prevent the spread of STIs.

5. Vulvovaginitis:
Inflammation of the vagina or vagina may lead to a turbid urine.
Bacterial infection is the common cause of vulvitis, but infection may also be caused by infection with fungal infections.
In some cases, certain ingredients in some types of soap, detergent, cloth, or disinfectant may cause reaction by the body.
These reactions may cause inflammation in the vagina and vagina without any type of infection.
Some other signs of vulvitis include:
● Itching sensation around the vagina.
● Vaginal discharge with a foul odor.
● Light secretions, yellowish and watery
● Strings of a strange color similar to the straw, the straws a kind of cheese.
● Smelly gets worse after sex.
● Pain when urinating.
The doctor should check the source of the infection if it is bacterial, fungal or viral before proceeding with the treatment of the patient.