If you are struggling through 101 calculus in your third year of college in the current time and wish you had noticed in high school, we have some good news for you: it could not have helped.
A study of more than 6,200 undergraduate students in 133 colleges and universities in the United States demonstrated the advantage of learning and mastering the basics rather than limiting the study to the 12th grade calculus before the exam.
There are two kinds of people: the few who care about differentiation and integration from the first time, and the rest who do not care.
It is a brief summary that requires a strong understanding of the basic mathematical concepts that are unlimited, and which seem - at first glance - to be unhelpful.
Most high school math teachers will do their best to find some creative ways to explain calculus rather than being traditional and complementary.
Some believe that there is an advantage in this, even if it is better to prepare a few to study mathematics later.
Two researchers from the Department of Science Education at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have begun to find ways that may give these teachers a tricky better ammunition, instead, they seem to have made the task harder.
If you need a quick activation, calculus is an appropriate method for measuring continuous change.
We have to a large extent the English world of many cultures Isaac Newton to thank him, although the contemporary German world Jotfried to BenÃz has reached to the (calculus and integration) independently at the same time.
Like Gottfried, schoolchildren have since mumbled their disdain for Newton's brilliant mathematics, despite his valuable applications in everything from astrophysics to economics.
Certainly if you are taught in order to become a scientist in astrophysics, it is necessary to get an in-depth understanding of calculus, which deserves to be discussed (where should this calculus begin?).
"We want to see if we can settle this dispute," said physicist and researcher Philip Sadler.
"Which is more important, the math that prepares you for differentiation and integration, or the first round when you are in high school followed by a more serious course in college?"
Together with fellow Gerhard Sonnt, Sadler asked 6207 students for information about their family backgrounds, their educational history, and their math experience.
They combined information with math scores in an anonymous database and analyzed whether they had attended a course in calculus at high school provided any kind of support.
Taking into account differences in factors such as social and economic upbringing, the results were very impressive.
Some students have benefited from calculus, they are the weakest, but if you are already looking to be the best in your class, those lessons in calculus may not be very helpful.
To really make sure that students have managed to calculus in college or university, there must be a good understanding of the fundamentals.
The research found that success in acquiring the required skills had a multiplier effect compared to success in an early introduction.
It is difficult to ask why the weaker students generally benefit from this introduction more than their peers.
But researchers point out that this depends on the attention of the tutor, who is not like the college professor.
"They will not go back to find out what they can forget as the teacher does in high school."Sadler said.
The exhausting curriculum is a common complaint across many educational systems around the world.
Each subject competes for space, and teachers often leave lessons, with a focus on moving quickly to the next chapter.
Giving up calculus can save a lot of time to double the focus on basic principles that students do not get.
"The only thing the paper says is that if your background is strong, if you really know algebra, geometry and pre-calculus, it will do well in calculus during the university period," says Sadler.
One study is unlikely to see that calculus is excluded from text books any time soon, although it may help relieve stress on teachers and students alike. Failure in secondary calculus (calculus) ) Not that big.
This paper was published in the Journal of Research in Mathematics Education.
Source : Science Alert