10 shocking images that will change your view of the rate of consumption and waste

1 - circuit boards electric - Atlanta City - Republic of Georgia - in 2004.
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Mobile phone chargers, Atlanta, Republic of Georgia, 2004.
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3 - Smashed cars - Tacoma City - United States - in 2004.
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4 - Empty bottles - Seattle - United States - in 2004.
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5 - Electronic waste - New Orleans, USA - in 2005.
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6 - wooden pieces - Tacoma City - United States - in 2004.
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7 - Materials to be recycled - Seattle - United States - 2004.
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8 - Steel parts - Tacoma City - United States - in 2004.
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9. A photograph of a huge waste landfill for mobile phones in Georgia, United States, in 2005.
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Finally: broken cars

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